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Mothering Moments to Treasure Forever

Mothering Moments to Treasure Forever

For Mother's Day this year, we spoke to our JOYN community and asked them to share a mothering moment they'll treasure forever. 

We know being a mom comes with all kinds of ups and downs, but this year we wanted to celebrate those special moments, the ones that we cherish and hold on to forever.
Enjoy a read through these mothering moments from the beautiful community that makes up JOYN; block printers, bag wearers, handbag makers, designers and more and a Happy Mother's Day to you.

"The JOY to wake up every morning treasuring this time sitting on our sofa together, lots of hugs, kisses, pure talks and admiration. No stress and worries at this time of the day. Sweet talks and story telling about what we dreamt and trying to put the stories together. (some days it's fun and good dreams, some days it's scary like falling off daddy's scooter, haha) The purest joy I will treasure forever."

– Shelma, JOYN Production Manager and Mother of one


"Being a mom has changed me in ways I could never have dreamt of. My daughters are growing older and I feel like I’m getting younger. I think that’s the best part, is the opportunity to relive childhood again, to see the world with wonder again, to hear my oldest daughter’s little gasps as she sees something for the first time, something as small as a tiny flower or a crawling ant. Being a mom has made me less serious and forced me to laugh again, loudly."

– Zoe, JOYN Lead Designer and Mother of two

"I am very proud to be a mother to my beautiful daughter. The moment I will treasure forever is the moment my daughter performed her first ever skit at school when she was 3 years at playgroup. That was a very emotional and precious moment for me and I would like to make more memories with her and see her achieve all her dreams."

– Dina, JOYN Handbag Maker and Mother of one 

"The proudest moment of being a mother is when my second child was born I was so happy and filled with JOY and thankful to God for giving me a daughter and raising a daughter has made me learn and see my strengths I didn't know I had. And as she is growing up so fast and doing so well is all her responsibilities, this makes me feel very like a very proud mother and our friendship I will always treasure."

– Santoshi, JOYN Handbag Maker and Mother of two

"It's very challenging to get my family together as we are a family of 7. So when we are requested for a family photo we do it at night since everyone is at home at night. So taking photos of my family I always treasure and keep the photos well. There's no better way to make and preserve family memories than by planning a family photoshoot."

– Bimla, JOYN Handbag Maker and Mother of three

"Parenting has been a journey in my life bringing up 3 kids has been very different. I treasure all the good moments and grow from the taught challenging moments. The greatest treasure and moment to mothering is every evening when I reach home from work all three of my kids hop on me, we love to laugh, hug and share together. This time is very special."

– Dineshwari JOYN Quality Control and Mother of three

"The moment of motherhood I will treasure forever is the time when we eat dinner and share our full day with each other as a family. This is the only time we get to spend family time together as kids are busy full day with school and homework and I'm busy with my job. So dinner time is treasured as this is the family moment for us. We get to share our experiences and funny moments."

– Meena, JOYN Block Printer and Mother of two


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